From Racialized Othering to

Radical Belonging in Europe: 

A community of practice to advance new narratives on racialization, othering, and belonging in the European context

Despite growing awareness of identity-based discrimination globally, many Europeans’ ability to discuss historical and contemporary issues of racialization and identity-based othering in Europe remains lacking. When the topic does arise, discussion all-too-often relies on US-generated frameworks and approaches that, while useful, may not be applicable in different contexts or provokes unhelpful fragmentation among groups. This inability to speak generatively about racialization and othering in the European context is a major barrier to advancing real belonging for marginalized and racialized groups.

In recognition of this challenge, OBI’s Democracy & Belonging Forum and the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt have partnered to launch a 3-year community of practice on othering and belonging in Europe. Through this work, we seek to engage leaders working across various sectors and issue areas to create a shared understanding of othering in the European context and shift leadership mindsets in a way that re-orients work towards belonging, particularly for groups that are currently or historically marginalized.

This community of practice currently consists of leaders who are grappling with diverse forms of othering, in particular those related to racialization, in the European context. Its ultimate objective is to cultivate narratives of belonging that elevate the richness of Europe’s many and diverse identities while addressing the continent’s history of racism, othering, and colonization—with the recognition that various groups have experienced and continue to experience othering differently. Our aim is for these narratives to be adapted and utilized widely by actors beyond the social justice sector in order to shift the leadership paradigm to one that has the ability to address othering and actively works toward belonging.

This community of practice reflects a joining of both organizations' approaches: from OBI’s side, the bringing together of people across lines of difference to advance belonging for all people, and from BMW Foundation’s side, an investment in the personal transformation of leaders and the catalyzation of Responsible Leadership. At the core of both are a focus on building trust, growing deep-rooted relationships between diverse actors, and creating a world where everyone belongs.

Note: At this time, we are not yet accepting new members to join the community, but we will in the coming months. If you are interested in learning more about this work, please email us.

History of this community:

Although this work is organized and supported jointly by the BMW Foundation and Othering & Belonging Institute, it was initially developed by members from both organizations’ networks. Select members from OBI’s Democracy & Belonging Forum and the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network approached both institutions separately to discuss ways to collaboratively explore racialization and othering in the European context. Recognizing a mutual interest and the benefits of sharing resources and knowledge, the BMW Foundation and OBI started to explore how both organizations might come together to join these efforts. The members who catalyzed this effort within both institutions now make up the eight member steering committee for this community of practice. They are responsible for setting the agenda and guiding the community’s journey for this joint effort.