
Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

A Menu of Possibilities: Farmer’s Protests, Polarization, and the Far Right’s Climate Politics

As the climate crisis becomes more and more dire, the far right has tried–with varying degrees of success—to foster and capitalize on climate change-related frictions (when it hasn’t fabricated those tensions). Their climate narratives and policy proposals, as trivotal to their core ideology, are fluid and often inconsistent, and this flexibility affords them the possibility of deepening divides that can be utilized to the far right’s advantage.

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Migration Policy: the Trojan Horse of Authoritarian Practices

Increasingly inhumane migration policy — and the accompanying narratives that justify those policies — can open the door to policies in other arenas that would have previously been decried as illiberal and anti-democratic. They normalize practices such as administrative detention and desensitize us to dehumanization. Once the far right comes to power, others have prepared the public and built the necessary legal or technological infrastructure. These migration policies can become the precursor of what’s to come for all, a harbinger of what can befall anyone deemed inconvenient, whether a citizen or not.

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Daring to Dream

And as the year comes to an end and I try to reflect on the months passed, I sometimes wonder if, as I am constantly steeped in research on authoritarian populism, my perspective is too clouded by the negatives. Yet no matter where I look, whether it’s in international news, progressive spaces, or far-right forums, the pervasive sensation I observe is usually a combination of anxiety, fear, and anger. But again, is this new or worse? When has the world been fair? When have we inhabited a planet where all belong?

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Authoritarian Practices in the Name of Democracy

Authoritarian populists, on the contrary, appropriate the language of democracy activists and legal scholars, particularly arguments that relate to democracy and the rule of law, to delegitimize others who oppose them and prop themselves as the defenders of democracy, playing the game of courting large swathes of the public who would never have contemplated voting for extremists and are largely pro-democracy. They need to do so because authoritarian populists hold elections, and so, they are more dependent on the manipulation of information and the need to brand themselves as democrats.

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Slow and Mainstream Wins the (Far Right) Race: the mainstreaming of authoritarian populist ideas on migration and climate

If migration is the key topic of modern authoritarian populists, the Spanish far right party has not been an exception in promoting anti-immigrant sentiment. Rhetorically, they have unrelentingly framed unaccompanied minor migrants as criminals in insistent and odious campaigns. Now, for many not on the far right, including some young progressives, this acronym immediately brings up fears rather than compassion or solidarity. This is the frame that dominates, whether the far right is in the room or not. Far-right ideas have become detached from far-right actors.”

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

On Europeans (not) Talking About Race

“Europe doesn’t talk much about race. Although some have a lot to say about racism in Europe and there are well-established anti-racist organizations across the continent, others easily conclude the conversation with something along the lines of “this is not an issue in this continent,” “it’s not about race, it’s about modern migration,” or, often, “but we are not the US.”

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Unpacking the Far Right’s Gender Politics

“… in matters of gender there are actually many differences within and between far right parties and movements in different parts of the world. The far right often adopts liberal frames when convenient, but across the board we observe a more mixed bag of narratives and policy proposals. “

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Enough is Enough: The Psychology Behind Authoritarian Populist Discourse

In recent years, political scientists, psychologists, and commentators have grown increasingly interested in the psychological theories that explain political and social attitudes. Threat perception, the Authoritarian Dynamic, Moral Foundations Theory, and Social Dominance Theory are models that are likely to evolve and improve, but they serve as useful frameworks to understand the current moment and build empathy for those who have a different worldview - wherever you stand.

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Diving into Migration's 'Narrative Ocean'

It is my belief that in no other domain – and I will admit that having worked in this space I may be slightly biased – do we see the power of narrative oceans more strongly than in migration. Unfortunately, the loudest stories that dominate the migration narrative ocean share a thread of othering and dehumanization.

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Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González Connecting the Dots Míriam Juan-Torres González

Greenwashing, Sportswashing, and Who is Deemed Worthy of Sacrifice

This year, in the span of just a few months, two major international events are taking place that seem to hold little in common: The UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP) and the FIFA World Cup. Indeed, while most of the public does not follow climate politics and has little knowledge of COPs, the World Cup gathers the attention of millions. COPs involve political leaders, lobbyists, and activists, while the World Cup involves footballers and fans.

And yet, there is at least one clear similarity between them: they both illustrate how powerful institutions, including governments and private organizations, deem some groups worthy of protection, and others, sacrifice.

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